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Year 6 pupils and parents invited to Peterlee school information talk.

Sep 28, 2023

A Peterlee secondary school is holding a ticketed talk for Y6 pupils and their parents or carers to hear from teachers and current pupils on Tuesday 3rd October.

St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College, which is part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust, is currently partially closed due to RAAC.

The main building, where the school hall is located, is not affected and will be open to Year 6 pupils and their parents/carers to learn more about the secondary. The school will be holding two talks: one starting at 5.30pm until 6.45pm and one starting at 6.45pm until 8pm. Tickets can be booked at the links below.

Ofsted inspected St Bede’s this year with inspectors saying the school continues to be ‘Good’.

The Ofsted report said: “Pupils are happy and enjoy their learning. Teachers care for their pupils and help them to achieve their learning goals. Staff value every pupil at this school. There is an ambitious curriculum for all pupils.

“The school has a strong set of Catholic values and virtues which pupils use as a guide. Leaders provide a variety of extra activities for pupils to enjoy. Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are encouraged to make full use of these extra opportunities.”

The school and sixth form recently celebrated fantastic GCSE and A level results, with 27.1% receiving A*-A in their A levels and 47.1% receiving grades A*-B – the national picture was 26.5% of A level students in England received the top grade.

St Bede’s is also celebrating partnering with Fast Feet from September 2024 to support its successful football academy. Fast Feet is an established provider who run several other successful academies in the region.

Headteacher Frances Cessford said: “We believe we can offer our pupils the very best educational provision, both academically and pastorally, as they make the important transition from primary to secondary education. Families who come along to our information evening will hear from our staff and current pupils.

“St Bede’s provides a secure, nurturing environment that allows every pupil to flourish. The pastoral system is the bedrock of our school and is based on high behavioural standards, mutual respect and a level of dedication towards students from our compassionate staff which is truly humbling to observe.”

St Bede’s Catholic School’s Y6 information evening will be held on Tuesday 3rd October. The event is ticket only. To cater for as many families as possible, please only book two tickets – one parent/carer and one Year 6 pupil.

  • To book a place for the 5.30pm-6.45pm slot, visit

For more information, please visit