Over the few year we have been on a fantastic journey working with our schools and local communities writing a Mass Setting, inspired by them, that can be used by both our schools and our parishes.

We wanted to create a Mass Setting that our pupils and our communities had the opportunity to contribute to, so that it was both inclusive and familiar. Helping everyone join together, and feel at home during this Sacrament.

We worked with acclaimed composter Will Todd and the National Liturgy Office and we were delighted when our new Mass Setting was approved by the National Liturgy Office.

We shared an exclusive special preview with our key stakeholders in July 2023 and our Mass Setting Gaudete was launched in November 2023 at the Catholic Leaders and Clergy Conference at Newcastle Cathedral.  Gaudete means Rejoice and this is reflected in our Mass Setting.

All our schools and parishes have free access to the finished musical score to use any versions or parts of Gaudete they wish in their Mass Setting. Parishes should contact chaplain@bccet.org.uk

For more information please contact Liz Boylan, Lead Chaplain

Email: chaplain@bccet.org.uk

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