The pupils of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School love maths so much that they were counting down the hours to World Maths Day.
The Sunderland school, which is part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust, celebrated the event with a full timetable of maths-related activities from outdoor maths games to enjoying a maths-themed story book and even a maths-themed lunch!
World Maths Day (8th March) is an international celebration of mathematics where millions of students aged five to 18 compete in live Mathletics maths challenges. Created by 3P Learning, the free event runs for 48 hours to cover all global time zones to discover who is the world’s strongest mathlete.
To celebrate World Maths Day this year, St Joseph’s completed a range of activities including finding out about famous mathematicians, outside environment maths learning, practical tasks to explore capacity and measuring, enjoyed a maths story book and played Mathletics live in the ICT suite. They even enjoyed a maths-themed lunch.
“The children at our school love their maths lessons,” said Louise Forbister, maths lead at the school. “This was made very apparent in a recent pupil voice meeting with our Trust, Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.
“This is a way of further engaging our pupils and showing them that maths is lots of fun.”
Eight-year-old Lily, who is in Year 4, said: “World Maths Day sounds like lots of fun, I love my maths lessons and this day will be really great for us to learn about other types of maths not just the topic we are learning in our class.”
Also in Year 4, Henry, eight, added: “I think celebrating World Maths Day is important as almost every child in this school loves maths. I am looking forward to doing maths for the whole day as it is my second favourite subject.”