South Shields school rated ‘Good’ by Catholic Schools Inspectorate

Oct 18, 2024

A primary school in South Shields, which fosters “outstanding levels of pastoral care and inclusivity” and provides a “high-quality learning environment”, has been rated ‘Good’ following an inspection by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate.

SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, which is part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust, was visited in September by the CSI on behalf of Bishop Stephen Wright, Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

CSI lead inspector Leigh-Anne Young said in her report: “SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary is a true ‘oasis’ for the community which it serves. It is a faithful witness to the mission of the Church, fostering outstanding levels of pastoral care and inclusivity.

“The school offers a high-quality learning environment both in relation to the physical space and in relation to teaching and learning. This is evident not only through lesson observations but also within the high standards of pupil work seen throughout the school.

“Pupil attitudes, behaviour for learning and general behaviour in and around school is exceptional. They are secure in the fact that they are known and cared for by the staff and as a result they flourish.

“Leaders have a clear vision and plan to widen and enhance prayer through greater opportunities for personal prayer, voluntary prayer and the ongoing development of the prayer garden.”

The school’s mission is ‘Together with the Spirit, we will create an oasis where every child matters’ which is clearly displayed throughout the school and “visibly lived out and witnessed throughout the school”.

“The school offers a wide variety of ways in which to support Catholic social teaching and the pupils engage wholeheartedly, taking an active role in finding ways of responding locally, nationally and globally to the needs of others,” continued the report.

“When discussing the school’s work to support the local foodbank, one pupil said: ’People aren’t as fortunate as us, so we have to look after them, as God loves us’.

“The education of the whole person is paramount and a key driver for all staff. Pastoral care is exemplary throughout the school with all staff, including an effective pupil wellbeing lead, enhancing a concrete commitment to the most vulnerable.

“All pupils are valued and cared for as unique people. Through numerous initiatives, such as the KidSafe programme, SEND coffee morning drop-ins, uniform exchanges and foodbank links, the school goes the extra mile to provide a joyful community without exception.

“SS Peter and Paul has a close personal link with the Together Forever Trust, a charity which supports young people, turning tragedy into positivity. The headteacher stated that “being involved has helped us heal as a community”.

The Together Forever Trust was set up following the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017 in memory of Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry, a young couple from South Shields.

“The headteacher is passionate about her vision for the school and the young people that pass through it: ’It is paramount that the children feel safe and loved because only then can they achieve their full potential, and we open up the world to them’,” added the report.

“Governors and staff recognise the inspirational example of the headteacher, her dedication to foster high quality relationships and determination to embed the mission of the Church. The genuine care, concern and appreciation, of all those within the school family, is palpable and stems from the headteacher and deputy headteacher. This permeates through all the staff through all their interactions.”

The religious education subject leader at the school on Olive Street is also praised in the CSI report which stated that she “leads with confidence and skill” and that other staff members “value and respect her”.

Pupils “engage positively” with prayer and liturgy in school and the use of actions and sign language during prayer times has raised the levels of engagement and demonstrates the inclusivity of the school. Personal prayer journals have been introduced to support the pupils with voluntary prayer and prayer baskets provide “portable prayer stations” for more opportunities for creative and voluntary prayer.

Headteacher Maria Butt said: “This outstanding report is a true celebration of the hard work, dedication and support of our whole school community. It highlights the many excellent features of our wonderful inclusive school, which inspectors describe as a ‘true oasis’. 

“To have the report state that children ’flourish’ in our school because they are valued and cared for fills us with joy. The inspectors described our pupils as wonderful, and their attitudes and behaviour as exceptional. 

“I am very proud and feel truly blessed to be the headteacher of SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School.”

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Photo captions: Pupils at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School celebrate ‘Good’ CSI report.

Press release issued by SASS media on behalf of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust. For more information, contact Sarah Dale on 07814 976582.

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