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Proud pupils thrive at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Nov 22, 2023

Proud pupils from a primary school in Jarrow “thrive in its well-ordered environment” and love to be spotted being kind to others, according to a new Ofsted report.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, which is part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust, was inspected by Ofsted and has retained its ‘Good’ rating.

The St Joseph’s Way school, which was described by a parent as a “fantastic little school at the heart of the community”, is a “warm and caring” setting with pupils whose behaviour is “excellent” and enthusiasm for learning is evident in lessons.

Ofsted lead inspector Phil Scott said in his report: “Pupils are very proud of their school. They thrive in its well-ordered environment.

“Behaviour in and around school is excellent. Relationships are warm and caring. Pupils’ trust and respect for adults, and each other, is evident. The school has a positive and trusting culture among adults.”

Reading lies at the “heart of the school” and pupils “eagerly” describe the reading timelines, class novels and the book vending machine. Older pupils work as ‘superstar readers’ and support others’ reading.

“Pupils listen attentively to each other in class,” continued Mr Scott.

“Pupils are enthused by the school’s ambitious curriculum. Resources stimulate imagination and curiosity. Pupils work hard, try their best and have excellent attitudes in lessons.”

Children are safe and “appreciate the strong support they get from their friends and the adults in the school”.

“Pupils know they can approach a trusted adult over any issue, big or small,” continued the report.

“The child wellbeing leader encourages pupils to talk about their concerns. Pupils are always able to share their worries and seek support. The school has ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ who are trained to support, befriend and play with anyone feeling alone or upset.

“Pupils play an active role in everyday school life. The school council helped devise the house system in which points accumulate into pounds for local charities. Pupils strive to win the ‘kindness award’ for being unknowingly spotted demonstrating this virtue. There are Eco-Councillors who care for the school environment through energy saving and litter picking.”

The ‘St Joseph’s Standard’ is highlighted in the report for promoting excellence in all aspects of school life, including work in books.

“Pupils endeavour to match these very high expectations,” added the report. “Their attitudes and demeanour, as well as written work, are of a very high quality.”

Headteacher Paul Craig said: “We are incredibly proud of this report, which recognises what a fantastic school St Joseph’s is.

“We are very pleased that the hard work undertaken by all in the school community has been recognised, including the systems in place, the reflective and driven nature of staff and governors, the commitment of the pupils and the fantastic relationship we have with parents.

“To have the report state that children ’thrive’ in our school fills us with joy. The inspector told us constantly through the day how amazing our children were, but this is something we already know. We are blessed to have such amazing pupils.

“St Joseph’s is fortunate to have such a strong and committed team of staff, and it is my pleasure to work with them every day.”

During the inspection, Ofsted carried out deep dives in reading, mathematics and history. The inspector also listened to a range of pupils read from different age groups; observed pupils’ behaviour during lessons, at breaktime and at lunchtime; and talked to the senior leadership team, subject leaders, special needs coordinator, teachers, teaching assistants and other staff members.

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Photo captions: Pupils from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Jarrow, pictured with headteacher Paul Craig and deputy headteacher Kate Bertram.

Notes to editors: When Ofsted has judged a school to be ‘Good’, they will then normally return to the school about once every four years to confirm that the school remains ‘Good’. This is called an ungraded inspection and it is carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005.

Press release issued by SASS media on behalf of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust. For more information, contact Sarah Dale on 07814 976582.