
Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust is structured in accordance with its Articles of Association

There are three levels of governance within the Trust:  The Members, The Trust Board of Directors, and the Governors of the Local Governing Committees, who oversee the governance in each of our Trust schools.

We have five Members who determine the governance structure of the Trust.  They provide an oversight and also challenge our Directors to ensure the charitable objectives of the Trust are being fulfilled.  Members approve the Articles of Association and have the power to remove and appoint Directors with the right skills, to ensure the Trust is run in accordance with its aims and objectives.  Members are independent of the Directors, to provide challenge and scrutiny to the Board.  They include representatives from the Diocese of Newcastle and Hexham:

Director of EducationMrsCatherineCraig
Vicar GeneralRev. CanonPeterLeighton
Episcopal Vicar for Education CanonSimon Lerche
Chief Operating OfficerMrsFionaStandfield
Bishop of Hexham and NewcastleBishopStephenWright

The ultimate responsibility for the running of our schools resides with the Directors of our Trust. They set the strategic direction for the Trust and are accountable to the Secretary of State for the performance of the schools within it.  This is set out in a legal document known as the Funding Agreement.   As charity Trustees, they must also ensure that they are complying with charity law requirements. 

Directors meet at least twice each term as a full Board.  The Board has three committees established to undertake detailed and focused work in the areas of Audit, Finance and Standards.  These committees meet at least once each term.  

Directors delegate aspects of governance and the day to day oversight of school leadership to Local Governing Committees as per our Scheme of Delegation, which summarises the key responsibilities of Directors and LGCs. 

In accordance with Academy Trust Handbook 2024, the Academy Trust is the legal entity with the Board having collective accountability and responsibility for the Academy Trust and assuring itself that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements.

The Academy Trust Board provides:

• Strategic leadership of the Academy Trust: the Board defines the Trust vision for high quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects.  It establishes and fosters the Trust’s culture and sets and champions the Trust strategy including determining what, if any, governance functions are delegated to the local tier.

• Accountability and assurance: the Board has robust effective oversight of the operations and performance of the Academy Trust, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping their estate safe and well maintained.

• Engagement: the Board has strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders.  The Board involves parents, schools and communities so that decision making is supported by meaningful engagement.

Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust is a growing organisation, and its academies are judged by Ofsted to be either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’. If you are interested in becoming a Governor at one of our schools you can find our more here or get more of an insight in to The Role of A School Governor.  To find out which of our schools have governor vacancies please email

Useful Links

The Role of A Governor

Link to Governance Key Documents

Link to Governance Structure

Governance CPD Brochure 2024/2025

Diocese CPD Brochure 2024/2025

NGA – National Membership Assosiation for Governors

Local Governing Committees

Please see details of the Local Governing Committees for each school within the Trust on the dedicated pages by clicking on the links below. Each governance page has a link to the previous academic years attendance at LGC meetings.

Name of SchoolName of Chair
English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, SunderlandDarren Hubbard
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary, ShottonPaul Francis
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, PeterleeKevin Nicol
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Catholic Primary School, South ShieldsTony Whalen
St. Aidan’s Catholic AcademyDr. Catherine Emmerson
St. Aloysius’ Catholic Infant School HebburnWendy Woods
St. Aloysius’ Catholic Junior School HebburnWendy Woods
St. Anthony’s Girls Catholic AcademyMaureen Galbraith
St. Bede’s Catholic Comprehensive SchoolTony McCourt
St. Bede’s Catholic Primary, JarrowPaul McAlindon
St. Bede’s Catholic Primary South ShieldsCatherine Ellwood
St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, New SeahamKelly Lamond
St. Cuthbert’s RC Primary, Grindon Paul Cook
St. Godric’s Catholic Primary SchoolStephen Carter
St. Gregory’s RC Primary South ShieldsMichael Puech
St. James’ Catholic Primary School HebburnSharon Grewcock
St. John Bosco Catholic Primary School, Town End FarmIan McDonagh
St. Joseph’s Catholic AcademyGeraldine Kilgour
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, BlackhallPaul Francis
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, JarrowAiline Gibson
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, MillfieldLizzie Brooks & Tercy Thomas
St. Leonard’s Catholic Primary School, SilksworthDr. Catherine Emmerson
St. Mary Magdalen RC Primary School, SeahamKathryn Robinson
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, JarrowKevin Nicol
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, SunderlandRachel Cameron
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, WingateStephen Carter
St. Matthew’s RC Primary School, JarrowHelen Hall
St. Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, South ShieldsPatricia Alexander
St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, RyhopeTony McCourt
St. Wilfrid’s RC CollegeGeraldine Kilgour
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