Multi-Academy Trust teams up with football academy to nurture young talent

Sep 2, 2024

A new partnership between a Multi-Academy Trust and a football academy kicks off in September.

Fast Feet Football Academy has teamed up with two secondary schools, which are part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust, to provide football coaching to talented individuals to nurture their talent.

The schools are St Joseph’s Catholic Academy in Hebburn and St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College in Peterlee.

Mark Rutter, managing director of Fast Feet Football Academy, said: “The Elite Football Academy at St Joseph’s and St Bede’s offers specialised training for young athletes, focusing on long-term player development.

“Our experienced coaches use a holistic approach to enhance technical skills and tactical understanding, to give each player the best possible chance of fulfilling their potential.”

One of the key reasons that Robyn Stephenson, 11, from Seaham, picked St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College as her secondary school was the partnership with Fast Feet Football Academy.

Robyn’s mother Adrienne said: “Robyn really wanted to get into Fast Feet Football Academy because she absolutely loves football.

“We picked St Bede’s as it’s a Catholic school and it gives Robyn a good mix of education and football.”

Robyn’s passion for the beautiful game was sparked before she had even started primary school. She is inspired by her grandfather, Jeff Clarke, a former professional footballer who played for both Sunderland AFC and Newcastle United and went on to become head academy physiotherapist at Scottish Premiership Club, Dundee United.

“I want to become either a professional footballer or a physiotherapist working with professional footballers like my Grandad,” said Robyn, who plays for Boldon Girls FC and NUFC Girls Emerging Talent Centre and loves watching the Lionesses play.

“My favourite players are Alessia Russo, Ella Toone, Rachel Daly, Ronaldo and Messi.”

Jamie Steele, from Jarrow, has been passionate about football since he could walk and would line up skittles to knock down. He joined his first football team at the age of five and joined Middlesbrough Football Club Academy when he was in Year 4.

The 11-year-old is looking forward to starting secondary school at St Joseph’s Catholic Academy in September and joining Fast Feet Football Academy.

“I am hoping to develop new skills, make new friends and be coached by people who play football,” he says.

“When I’m older, I 100% want to become a professional footballer and if that doesn’t work out, I want to be a physio or a sports psychologist and work with footballers.”

His mother, Alex Steele, who says they picked St Joseph’s because it is a Catholic school and offers the Fast Feet Football programme, says: “The academy supports and helps encourage a healthy lifestyle.

“It’s also a great motivator for him to keep up with his studies as we have told him he has to keep up with his studies if he wants to play football, so it is an incentive to work hard in school.

“Fast Feet Football Academy have also been very flexible so Jamie can continue with his Friday day-release to train with Middlesbrough Academy and St Joseph’s will send work home with him to complete.

“Jamie loves football and has loved it since he could first walk and kick a ball and we are really pleased he is in the academy.”

Frances Cessford, headteacher at St. Bede’s, said: “We are excited that St. Bede’s are partnering with Fast Feet Football Academy as the official provider for our football academy. This collaboration will bring outstanding coaching to our students, focusing on nurturing their skills and helping them reach their full potential.

“With a commitment to developing not just athletes, but well-rounded individuals, Fast Feet Football Academy will guide our students in using their God-given talents to achieve excellence both on and off the field. We look forward to seeing our young athletes thrive under this new partnership!”

James Crowe, headteacher at St. Joseph’s, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Fast Feet Football Academy. Mark and the team have an excellent reputation for providing first class coaching and care for their students. We are looking forward to seeing how our students develop over the coming years and continuing the tradition of producing fine footballers at St. Joseph’s.”

For more information about Fast Feet Football Academy, please visit

For more information about BCCET, please visit

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