An open evening for Year 11 pupils and their parents/carers will be held at St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College on Thursday 9th November.
Byron Sixth Form College, which is part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust, teaches and supports students with its core values of ‘faith, excellence and determination’.
The Westway sixth form’s A level results in August were higher than the national average. The proportion of A level students who received A*-A was 27.1% and 47.1% received grades A*-B. Nationally, 26.5% of A level students in England received the top grade.
Headteacher Frances Cessford said: “Byron is an exceptional sixth form, offering students a high level of support as they meet the demands placed on them by post-16 study.
“Our aim has always been to provide a challenging and engaging environment in which students are equipped with the tools to enable them to achieve their potential. Our drive for excellence is evident year on year with our fantastic academic and vocational results.
“As a Catholic sixth form, we live by our core values of ‘faith, excellence and determination’ in all that we do. We are a fully inclusive sixth form, welcoming students of all faiths and no faith to be part of our family.
“Our dedicated pastoral team encourages our young people to have faith in themselves and strive for excellence in all that they do. Students take their next steps from sixth form feeling determined, resilient and well prepared, with the knowledge and confidence to make informed future choices in the wider world.”
- The open evening will be held on Thursday 9th November from 5pm to 7pm.
For more information, please visit
Photo captions: Pupils of St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College in Peterlee.
Press release issued by SASS media on behalf of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust. For more information, contact Sarah Dale on 07814 976582.